Experienced RIA Compliance Consultants nh. On June 19, 2019 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts amended its state registered investment advisor disclosure regulations (950 MASS. CODE REGS. 12.205(8)) and is now requiring each investment advisers registered in Massachusetts to provide to clients and prospective clients a one-page, stand-alone Table of Fees for Services (“Fee Table”). The Fee Table is to indicate the fees charged for services offered by your firm and to be consistent with what is checked off within Item 5 on the Form ADV Part 1A, Services and Type of Fees.
Massachusetts will begin enforcing this new requirement as of January 1, 2020.
Amendments and Delivery Requirements:
The Fee Table will need to be updated within 30 days of any change to the information included within the document and an updated copy provided to your clients. Annually, you will be required to deliver a copy of the Fee Table to your clients when you deliver your Brochure, within 120 days of your firm’s fiscal year end.
Massachusetts has provided the format for the Fee Table and their specific instructions of the language to be consistent with what is reported within your Form ADV Part 1A.
If your RIA firm is state registered in Massachusetts, contact Registered Advisor Services today, experienced RIA compliance consultants nh for assistance!