Why RAS?

Why Registered Advisor Services?
We offer our clients hands-on experience, efficiency and quality customer service.  We have been in this industry for over 25 years in various capacities.  What we believe matters most to a prospective client considering Registered Advisor Services is the confidence and knowledge that we have worked with many regulators across the United States as well as the SEC and can offer our experiences to you first hand.  You have made the important decision to be an independent RIA, now consider partnering with a firm that will help you move that decision to completion, with the registration of your new firm.  We don’t have to stop there.  Once your firm is registered with the regulators, let’s discuss how we may maintain that partnership to help you with your ongoing compliance needs.  Remember your goal is to manage people’s money, not worry about compliance.  Let Registered Advisor Services help you come full-circle, with our services.  Call us today at (603) 292-6772 or complete the adjacent form and we will call you.

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