RIA Registration Services. With less than a month to go before the end of the first quarter of 2020, many registered investment advisor (RIA) firms are reviewing their Form ADV Part 1 Annual Amendment. This review is in preparation of updating several sections within that document and submitting it by the deadline of March 31, 2020. These are RIA firms that have a December fiscal year end.
Several questions on the Form ADV Part 1 Annual Amendment raise questions as RIA firms are preparing the information for this filing.
As a reminder: Section 5, Information about your Advisory Business – Employees, Clients and Compensation. Specifically, Question 5K (1) Separately Managed Account Clients. For purposes of the Form ADV, “Separately Managed Account clients” are generally defined as all of your clients who investment advisors provide investment advice to EXCEPT, private funds, business development company and mutual funds. Outside of private funds, business development company and mutual funds, all other types of ‘clients’ come under this term. (i.e., individuals, High Net Worth client, corporations, pension plans, etc.).
The next question that is Question 5K (4). This is the question that is asking the advisor to provide the name of the custodian(s) that holds 10% or more of your client’s regulatory assets under management. The reporting on the corresponding schedule for Question 5K (4) is to include the name of the custodian/address, CRD/SEC number and the corresponding assets held by that custodian(s).
If you need assistance with your Form ADV Part 1 Annual Amendment filing or any other investment advisor compliance needs, contact Registered Advisor Services today for a free consultation! Your RIA Registration Services partner.